Tags: .
What does this code do? The function has array of 64 32-bit integers, I removed it in each assembly code snippet to save space. The array is:
int v[64]=
{ -1,31, 8,30, -1, 7,-1,-1, 29,-1,26, 6, -1,-1, 2,-1,
-1,28,-1,-1, -1,19,25,-1, 5,-1,17,-1, 23,14, 1,-1,
9,-1,-1,-1, 27,-1, 3,-1, -1,-1,20,-1, 18,24,15,10,
-1,-1, 4,-1, 21,-1,16,11, -1,22,-1,12, 13,-1, 0,-1 };
The algorithm is well-known, but I've changed constant so it wouldn't be googleable.
Optimizing GCC 4.8.2:
mov edx, edi
shr edx
or edx, edi
mov eax, edx
shr eax, 2
or eax, edx
mov edx, eax
shr edx, 4
or edx, eax
mov eax, edx
shr eax, 8
or eax, edx
mov edx, eax
shr edx, 16
or edx, eax
imul eax, edx, 79355661 ; 0x4badf0d
shr eax, 26
mov eax, DWORD PTR v[0+rax*4]
Optimizing GCC 4.9.3 for ARM64:
0: orr w0, w0, w0, lsr #1
4: mov w1, #0xdf0d // #57101
8: movk w1, #0x4ba, lsl #16
c: orr w0, w0, w0, lsr #2
10: orr w0, w0, w0, lsr #4
14: orr w0, w0, w0, lsr #8
18: orr w0, w0, w0, lsr #16
1c: mul w0, w0, w1
20: adrp x1, 0
24: add x1, x1, #0x0
28: lsr w0, w0, #26
2c: ldr w0, [x1,w0,uxtw #2]
30: ret
(ARM) Optimizing Keil 5.05 (ARM mode):
ORR r0,r0,r0,LSR #1
ORR r0,r0,r0,LSR #2
ORR r0,r0,r0,LSR #4
LDR r1,|L0.44|
ORR r0,r0,r0,LSR #8
ORR r0,r0,r0,LSR #16
MUL r0,r1,r0
LDR r1,|L0.48|
LSR r0,r0,#26
LDR r0,[r1,r0,LSL #2]
BX lr
DCD 0x04badf0d
DCD ||.data||
(ARM) Optimizing Keil 5.05 (thumb mode):
LSRS r1,r0,#1
ORRS r1,r1,r0
LSRS r0,r1,#2
ORRS r0,r0,r1
LSRS r1,r0,#4
ORRS r1,r1,r0
LSRS r2,r1,#8
ORRS r2,r2,r1
LDR r1,|L0.36|
LSRS r0,r2,#16
ORRS r0,r0,r2
MULS r0,r1,r0
LDR r1,|L0.40|
LSRS r0,r0,#26
LSLS r0,r0,#2
LDR r0,[r1,r0]
BX lr
DCD 0x04badf0d
DCD ||.data||
Optimizing GCC 4.4.5 for MIPS:
srl $2,$4,1
or $2,$2,$4
srl $3,$2,2
or $2,$3,$2
srl $3,$2,4
or $2,$3,$2
srl $3,$2,8
or $2,$3,$2
srl $3,$2,16
or $2,$3,$2
li $3,79298560 # 0x4ba0000
ori $3,$3,0xdf0d
mult $2,$3
lui $3,%hi(v)
addiu $3,$3,%lo(v)
mflo $2
srl $2,$2,26
sll $2,$2,2
addu $2,$2,$3
lw $2,0($2)
j $31
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