Reverse Engineering challenge #22.

Tags: ARM MIPS ARM64 X64 ASM L1 .

This can be tricky, but the algorithm is well known and heavily used almost everywhere. What does the following code do?

Optimizing (for size: -Os switch) GCC 4.8.2 for x64

        movsx   rax, esi
        push    rbp
        xor     r8d, r8d
        lea     rcx, [rdi+rax*4]
        lea     eax, [rdx+1]
        push    rbx
        mov     ebp, DWORD PTR [rcx]
        mov     ebx, DWORD PTR [rcx+4+r8]
        inc     esi
        cmp     ebx, ebp
        jg      .L3
        cmp     esi, edx
        jg      .L3
        add     r8, 4
        jmp     .L2
        movsx   r9, eax
        lea     r10, [rdi-4+r9*4]
        mov     r9, r10
        sub     r10, 4
        mov     r11d, DWORD PTR [r10+4]
        dec     eax
        cmp     r11d, ebp
        jg      .L6
        cmp     esi, eax
        jge     .L7
        xor     r11d, ebx
        mov     DWORD PTR [rcx+4+r8], r11d
        xor     r11d, DWORD PTR [r9]
        mov     DWORD PTR [r9], r11d
        xor     DWORD PTR [rcx+4+r8], r11d
        jmp     .L4
        xor     r11d, DWORD PTR [rcx]
        mov     DWORD PTR [rcx], r11d
        xor     r11d, DWORD PTR [r9]
        mov     DWORD PTR [r9], r11d
        xor     DWORD PTR [rcx], r11d
        pop     rbx
        pop     rbp

        push    r13
        push    r12
        mov     r12d, edx
        push    rbp
        mov     rbp, rdi
        push    rbx
        mov     ebx, esi
        push    rcx
        cmp     ebx, r12d
        jge     .L10
        mov     esi, ebx
        mov     edx, r12d
        mov     rdi, rbp
        call    f2
        lea     edx, [rax-1]
        mov     r13d, eax
        mov     esi, ebx
        mov     rdi, rbp
        lea     ebx, [r13+1]
        call    f1
        jmp     .L12
        pop     rax
        pop     rbx
        pop     rbp
        pop     r12
        pop     r13

Optimizing Keil 5.05 (ARM mode)

||f2|| PROC
        PUSH     {r4-r6,lr}
        LDR      r4,[r0,r1,LSL #2]
        MOV      r12,r1
        ADD      r3,r2,#1
        ADD      r12,r12,#1
        LDR      r5,[r0,r12,LSL #2]
        CMP      r5,r4
        CMPLE    r12,r2
        BLE      |L0.16|
        SUB      r3,r3,#1
        LDR      r6,[r0,r3,LSL #2]
        CMP      r6,r4
        BGT      |L0.36|
        CMP      r12,r3
        BGE      |L0.96|
        EOR      r5,r5,r6
        STR      r5,[r0,r12,LSL #2]
        LDR      r6,[r0,r3,LSL #2]
        EOR      r5,r5,r6
        STR      r5,[r0,r3,LSL #2]
        LDR      r6,[r0,r12,LSL #2]
        EOR      r5,r5,r6
        STR      r5,[r0,r12,LSL #2]
        B        |L0.16|
        LDR      r2,[r0,r1,LSL #2]
        EOR      r2,r2,r6
        STR      r2,[r0,r1,LSL #2]
        LDR      r12,[r0,r3,LSL #2]
        EOR      r2,r2,r12
        STR      r2,[r0,r3,LSL #2]
        LDR      r12,[r0,r1,LSL #2]
        EOR      r2,r2,r12
        STR      r2,[r0,r1,LSL #2]
        MOV      r0,r3
        POP      {r4-r6,pc}

||f1|| PROC
        PUSH     {r4-r7,lr}
        MOV      r5,r2
        CMP      r1,r5
        MOV      r6,r1
        MOV      r7,r0
        POPGE    {r4-r7,pc}
        BL       ||f2||
        MOV      r4,r0
        SUB      r2,r0,#1
        MOV      r1,r6
        MOV      r0,r7
        BL       ||f1||
        MOV      r2,r5
        ADD      r1,r4,#1
        MOV      r0,r7
        B        |L0.144|

Optimizing Keil 5.05 (Thumb mode)

||f2|| PROC
        PUSH     {r4-r7,lr}
        LSLS     r4,r1,#2
        LDR      r6,[r0,r4]
        ADDS     r3,r2,#1
        MOV      lr,r2
        ADDS     r1,r1,#1
        LSLS     r7,r1,#2
        LDR      r5,[r0,r7]
        CMP      r5,r6
        BGT      |L0.24|
        CMP      r1,lr
        BLE      |L0.10|
        MOVS     r2,r3
        LSLS     r2,r2,#2
        SUBS     r2,r2,#4
        LDR      r2,[r0,r2]
        SUBS     r3,r3,#1
        CMP      r2,r6
        BGT      |L0.24|
        CMP      r1,r3
        BGE      |L0.70|
        LSLS     r2,r3,#2
        MOV      r12,r2
        LDR      r2,[r0,r2]
        EORS     r5,r5,r2
        MOV      r2,r12
        STR      r5,[r0,r7]
        LDR      r2,[r0,r2]
        EORS     r5,r5,r2
        MOV      r2,r12
        STR      r5,[r0,r2]
        LDR      r2,[r0,r7]
        EORS     r2,r2,r5
        STR      r2,[r0,r7]
        B        |L0.10|
        LSLS     r5,r3,#2
        LDR      r1,[r0,r4]
        LDR      r2,[r0,r5]
        EORS     r1,r1,r2
        STR      r1,[r0,r4]
        LDR      r2,[r0,r5]
        EORS     r2,r2,r1
        STR      r2,[r0,r5]
        LDR      r1,[r0,r4]
        EORS     r1,r1,r2
        STR      r1,[r0,r4]
        MOVS     r0,r3
        POP      {r4-r7,pc}

||f1|| PROC
        PUSH     {r4-r7,lr}
        MOVS     r4,r2
        MOVS     r5,r1
        MOVS     r6,r0
        CMP      r1,r4
        BGE      |L0.132|
        BL       ||f2||
        MOVS     r7,r0
        SUBS     r2,r0,#1
        MOVS     r1,r5
        MOVS     r0,r6
        BL       ||f1||
        MOVS     r2,r4
        ADDS     r1,r7,#1
        MOVS     r0,r6
        B        |L0.98|
        POP      {r4-r7,pc}

Optimizing (for size: -Os switch) GCC 4.9.3 for ARM64

        sbfiz   x3, x1, 2, 32
        add     w7, w2, 1
        add     x4, x0, x3
        mov     x11, -4
        ldr     w10, [x0, x3]
        ldr     w6, [x4, 4]
        add     w1, w1, 1
        cmp     w6, w10
        bgt     .L7
        cmp     w1, w2
        bgt     .L7
        add     x4, x4, 4
        b       .L2
        add     x8, x11, x7, sxtw 2
        add     x8, x0, x8
        mov     x9, x8
        ldr     w5, [x8], -4
        sub     w7, w7, #1
        cmp     w5, w10
        bgt     .L5
        cmp     w1, w7
        bge     .L6
        eor     w5, w5, w6
        str     w5, [x4, 4]
        ldr     w6, [x9]
        eor     w5, w5, w6
        str     w5, [x9]
        ldr     w6, [x4, 4]
        eor     w5, w6, w5
        str     w5, [x4, 4]
        b       .L3
        ldr     w2, [x0, x3]
        eor     w1, w5, w2
        str     w1, [x0, x3]
        ldr     w2, [x9]
        eor     w1, w1, w2
        str     w1, [x9]
        ldr     w2, [x0, x3]
        eor     w1, w2, w1
        str     w1, [x0, x3]
        mov     w0, w7
        stp     x29, x30, [sp, -48]!
        add     x29, sp, 0
        stp     x21, x22, [sp, 32]
        stp     x19, x20, [sp, 16]
        mov     x21, x0
        mov     w19, w1
        mov     w22, w2
        cmp     w19, w22
        bge     .L13
        mov     w1, w19
        mov     w2, w22
        mov     x0, x21
        bl      f2
        mov     w20, w0
        sub     w2, w0, #1
        mov     w1, w19
        mov     x0, x21
        add     w19, w20, 1
        bl      f1
        b       .L15
        ldp     x19, x20, [sp, 16]
        ldp     x21, x22, [sp, 32]
        ldp     x29, x30, [sp], 48

Thanks (for bugfix): Wolfgang Reiter.

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