Tags: .
What does this code do?
Optimizing GCC 4.8.2 -m32:
0: mov eax,DWORD PTR [esp+0x4]
4: bswap eax
6: mov edx,eax
8: and eax,0xf0f0f0f
d: and edx,0xf0f0f0f0
13: shr edx,0x4
16: shl eax,0x4
19: or eax,edx
1b: mov edx,eax
1d: and eax,0x33333333
22: and edx,0xcccccccc
28: shr edx,0x2
2b: shl eax,0x2
2e: or eax,edx
30: mov edx,eax
32: and eax,0x55555555
37: and edx,0xaaaaaaaa
3d: add eax,eax
3f: shr edx,1
41: or eax,edx
43: ret
Optimizing GCC 4.9.3 (Linaro) for ARM64:
0: rev w0, w0
4: and w1, w0, #0xf0f0f0f
8: and w0, w0, #0xf0f0f0f0
c: lsl w1, w1, #4
10: orr w0, w1, w0, lsr #4
14: and w1, w0, #0x33333333
18: and w0, w0, #0xcccccccc
1c: lsl w1, w1, #2
20: orr w1, w1, w0, lsr #2
24: and w0, w1, #0xaaaaaaaa
28: and w1, w1, #0x55555555
2c: add w1, w1, w1
30: orr w0, w1, w0, lsr #1
34: ret
(ARM) Optimizing Keil 5.05 (ARM mode):
ROR r0,r0,#16
MVN r1,#0xff00
AND r1,r1,r0,LSR #8
BIC r0,r0,#0xff00
ORR r0,r1,r0,LSL #8
LDR r1,|L0.124|
AND r2,r1,r0,LSR #4
AND r0,r0,r1
LDR r1,|L0.128|
ORR r0,r2,r0,LSL #4
AND r2,r1,r0,LSR #2
AND r0,r0,r1
ORR r0,r2,r0,LSL #2
EOR r1,r1,r1,LSL #1
AND r2,r1,r0,LSR #1
AND r0,r0,r1
ORR r0,r2,r0,LSL #1
BX lr
DCD 0xff0f0f0f
DCD 0x33333333
(ARM) Optimizing Keil 5.05 (Thumb mode):
MOVS r1,#0x10
RORS r0,r0,r1
LDR r2,|L0.88|
LSRS r1,r0,#8
ANDS r0,r0,r2
ANDS r1,r1,r2
LSLS r0,r0,#8
LDR r2,|L0.92|
ORRS r1,r1,r0
LSRS r0,r1,#4
ANDS r1,r1,r2
ANDS r0,r0,r2
LSLS r1,r1,#4
LDR r2,|L0.96|
ORRS r0,r0,r1
LSRS r1,r0,#2
ANDS r0,r0,r2
ANDS r1,r1,r2
LSLS r0,r0,#2
LDR r2,|L0.100|
ORRS r1,r1,r0
LSRS r0,r1,#1
ANDS r1,r1,r2
ANDS r0,r0,r2
LSLS r1,r1,#1
ORRS r0,r0,r1
BX lr
DCD 0x00ff00ff
DCD 0x0f0f0f0f
DCD 0x33333333
DCD 0x55555555
Optimizing GCC 4.4.5 MIPS:
sll $2,$4,16
srl $4,$4,16
or $2,$2,$4
li $3,-16777216 # 0xffffffffff000000
li $4,16711680 # 0xff0000
ori $3,$3,0xff00
ori $4,$4,0xff
and $4,$2,$4
and $2,$2,$3
srl $2,$2,8
sll $4,$4,8
or $4,$4,$2
li $3,-252706816 # 0xfffffffff0f00000
li $2,252641280 # 0xf0f0000
ori $3,$3,0xf0f0
ori $2,$2,0xf0f
and $2,$4,$2
and $4,$4,$3
srl $4,$4,4
sll $2,$2,4
or $2,$2,$4
li $3,858980352 # 0x33330000
li $4,-859045888 # 0xffffffffcccc0000
ori $4,$4,0xcccc
ori $3,$3,0x3333
and $3,$2,$3
and $2,$2,$4
srl $2,$2,2
sll $3,$3,2
or $3,$3,$2
li $4,-1431699456 # 0xffffffffaaaa0000
li $2,1431633920 # 0x55550000
ori $4,$4,0xaaaa
ori $2,$2,0x5555
and $2,$3,$2
and $3,$3,$4
srl $3,$3,1
sll $2,$2,1
j $31
or $2,$2,$3
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